Please help Makayla reach her goal of 50 people registering to donate blood to receive a college scholarship! She is hosting a community blood drive in Tyndall on Thursday, July 15, from 12:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the Community Auditorium. She would like to invite the community to come out and not only help local hospital patients, but to also help her reach the goal to be awarded a college scholarship!! Please call or text Makayla at 605-464-4680 to schedule your appointment or go on-line at
Read moreBefore any veteran or family member can obtain any benefits or services from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), he or she must produce a copy of their discharge or DD-214. For National Guard soldiers the discharge form is an NGB 22. In many cases a certified copy of the original document is required.
Read moreAfter graduation from high school, Don Hubbard went to the University of Nebraska where he met his wife, Joan. He earned a degree in Pharmacy as well as a commission in the United States Marine Corps.
Read moreThe last meeting of the Wagner Rotary Club for the 2020-2021 year convened at Noon on June 30th. There was one guest, Charlene Soukup, wife of Jamie Soukup. Pastor/Rotarian Laurie Kidd prayed for the members by giving thanks for the blessings of the day and asked that we might all be given guidance in making our decisions as we try to help our community.
Read moreLake Andes, South Dakota – Since 1939, Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) has protected vital habitat along the Central Flyway while offering opportunities for the public to enjoy these unique resources. The Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge Complex manages Lake Andes NWR, Karl E. Mundt NWR, and Lake Andes Wetland Management District. Refuge staff are responsible for over 150,000 acres of vital habitat protected through a combination of fee title ownership and conservation easements, spread across 6 counties. The refuge headquarters, located at Lake Andes NWR, was damaged beyond repair during the flooding which began in the spring of 2019 and persisted through 2020. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) proposes to build a new headquarters and visitor center which will serve as a new base of operations and provide space to offer environmental education programs on other community outreach events. The Service announces today a 45-day public comment period for the draft Environmental Assessment (EA). The draft EA is available for review on the Lake Andes NWR website (https:// Members of the public are invited to submit comments from June 24, 2021 through August 8, 2021. Public comments concerning the draft EA can be submitted via email to: or by postal mail to:
Read moreSubmitted by Loretta Soulek
Read moreGreer Unit #11, American Legion Auxiliary met on June 17th, 2021, at the post home with 11 members present. The meeting was called to order by President Juanita Stone. Chaplain Margie Stone opened with prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance & American Legion Auxiliary Preamble were recited in unison. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected. The treasurer's report was given and approved. No bills were presented. Membership chairman, Barb Kucera reported that we have 76 paid members. Goal is 78. Community service chairman, Margie Stone reported appropriate cards had been sent, five in total. Communications: a thank you was read from the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls. Unfinished business: final poppy days report was given by poppy chairman, Linda Youngbluth. Also a change was made on the number of delegates to state convention. The number has been changed from four delegates to three delegates. Those three delegates are: Linda Youngbluth, Barb Kucera and Kathy Gieman. New business: Auxiliary will be serving brats at Super Foods on July 9, 2021, from 10:30 - 1:00. Three or four are asked to help from the auxiliary. The auxiliary paper 'Legionette' is $ 5.00, and printed September to June; subscribe now if you want it to continue. Motion was made by Carol Tolliver to order dictionaries for the third grade; motion seconded & carried. Carol also made a motion to buy four rolls of stamps; motion seconded & carried. Linda Youngbluth brought forward the list of our donation places, and asked for new ideas. Those listed are: Special Olympics, Children’s Miracle Network, Cemetery Board, Lifescape, Boys and Girls Scouts, Barach House, Senior Meals, Fischer House, and one other. Donations list was put to motion by Barb Wiechmann; motion seconded and carried. The new addition of the cemetery board was put to motion by Margie Stone, motion seconded and carried. The basket was won by Linda Youngbluth, and donated back. As there was no further business to come before the meeting, Chaplain Margie Stone read the prayer for peace & President Juanita Stone adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Read moreSanford Health wants to remind everyone of their annual scholarship opportunity specifically for veterans, Guard/Reserve members or active duty military service members who have demonstrated leadership and commitment in their community.
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