Fall always puts me in a literary mood, perhaps because the South Dakota Festival of Books is held in late September or early October. I relish the opportunity to listen to writers discuss their books and always leave inspired to work on new projects.
Read moreThe library staff are beginning to start thinking about Summer 2022 programming. The theme is “Ocean of Possibilities”. The theme lends itself to ocean animals of course, but we are also looking at any animals that live in salt or fresh water. As far as “possibilities” the list can be endless. The library is hoping to provide learning experiences in hand crafts such as macrame, sewing (hand or machine), pearler beads and beading crafts. The areas of gardening, foods and nutrition and STEAM activities are also going to be on the agenda.
Read moreA huge thank you to Lake Andes Coop Elevator, Charles Mix Farm Bureau Insurance, and Farm Bureau Financial Service/Pat Westendorf for the donations to purchase a grain bin Rescue Auger.
Read more1st through 6th grade students at Andes Central participated in the school's annual Spelling Bee on Tuesday, February 8th , 2022. The spelling bee consisted of two parts: a written test of 35 words and an oral contest. Medals were awarded to the first three places in each grade level. The first and second place winners will attend the Missouri Valley Regional Spelling Bee which will be held in Gregory, SD on February 23rd.
Read moreLast week the Avon drama department went to Rapid City with their play The Empty Chair for the State One-Act Play Festival. They left on Wednesday with a farewell tunnel around 3:00 and went to Rapid City in a five-hour road trip. The department stayed in the La Quinta Inn with a water park. The competition took place in the Rapid City Central High School.
Read moreThe Wagner Chamber of Commerce held their monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 7 at the Wagner Theater meeting room and the topic of discussion involved what the future could hold for the senior class students. The central focus of the meeting included a basic explanation of the Build Dakota Scholarship program and the opportunities it presents for students and for local businesses and the community as a whole. The Build Dakota Scholarship represents a “full ride scholarship”, which provides all of a students tuition, books, tools and fees to attend a technical college in South Dakota. This special scholarship brings a business partner and student together and encourages the student to return to the community after technical college training is completed.
Read moreVocal Director Autumn Schultz has been teaching her fourth grade elementary students how to play the ukuleles this school year. She recently decided to have them play the National Anthem at the home double header basketball game on February 1 when the Pirates took on the Menno Wolves. The third graders did the singing while the fourth grade got to show their talents and skills on playing the ukuleles.
Read moreConrad and Erma Meyer were visitors on Saturday in the home of her brother, Ron and Carla Jelsma of Armour.
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