Jim Simmerman, Dennis Bucholz, Ray Payer, Leo Dvorak, Harold Miller and Marvin Gall. Courtesy Photos
Read moreSeveral families brought their kids out to enjoy the three day Fish Day's DC Lynch Carnival over the weekend. Photos by Barb Pechous.
Read moreJoe and Lisa Williams of Mitchell and Tate, Callie, Jack and Tommy Williams of Letcher were visitors on May 28th in the home of Joe's sister, Lynn and Jon Stather. The following day Jim and Vicki Schuurmans of Tyndall and Diane Ewing of Sioux Falls were supper guests in the home of their sister, Lynn and Jon. Diane was an overnight guest.
Read moreThe Annual Avon Lions Club Fun Fest resumed, after being canceled for two years due to covid, on April 29, 2022. The Avon Lions Club spearheads the annual fundraiser, but it takes everyone in the community to make it successful. The Avon Lions Club donates to various organizations and projects in the community. This year $10,000 is being donated to the Meadow View Manor, $400 to the Teener baseball team, coached by Matt Eggers and $400 to the older girls softball team, coached by Tom Pier. We are always looking for new and younger members to carry on the tradition of raising and donating money back to the community.
Read more"Here is to all the men and women of our armed forces, who unselfishly answered their nation's call. In times of war and peace, these dedicated Americans stood on the line. We honor them, one and all, and proudly offer our thoughts of gratitude for giving a part of their lives to freedom's cause and playing an important role in America's history."
Read moreMerriam’s Midway Shows carnival on the midway and the Craft Fair & Sue Souhrada Memorial Quilt Show in the school gym kick off the 73rd Annual Czech Days celebration on Thursday, June 16th. The Tabor Bluebirds baseball game with Lesterville will be at 7:30 p.m. in Leonard Cimpl Park followed by the Rich Schild Memorial fireworks display to conclude the first day of the Czech Days celebration.
Read moreRacing action begins at Wagner Speedway. Come out on Friday nights and support your local drivers. Pictured above is Joey Jaton owner of Midtown in Wagner.
Read moreFriday, May 20, VFW Post 7319 and Auxiliary will once again be holding their Buddy Poppy Days. Volunteers will be asking for donations for this worthwhile cause.
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