The First Annual Bon Homme County Triathlon took place on Saturday, July 30. Contestants from four states, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota, participated.The Triathlon started at the Bon Homme County Izaak Walton League Trap Range. All three members of each team participated in the shooting. Roping was the next event, with two team members of each team roping. TheTriathlon ended with a 9-hole, 3-man game of scramble at the Bon Homme Country Club golf course. Many participants arrived wearing cowboy hats, boots, and spurs. The event was organized by Cody Hilzendeger.
Read moreThe Avon Summer Reading ProgramFinalewasheldatHurd’s Dock on Sunday, August 7th. The weather did not look too promising earlier in the day, but cleared up in time for the festivities and turned into a gorgeous evening to be near the river. Thanks to Rick and Mary Hurd for hosting this event. This was an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate the accomplishments of the summer. The guest presenter was Sam Stukel from the Gavin’s Point National Fish Hatchery. He brought may different aquatic animals that can be found in the Missouri River. The participants got a chance to see the various animal up close and touch some of them. It was a very informative and interesting presentation,whicheven the adults in attendance learned from. After the presentation there were games, small fireworks, sand castle building, a potluck picnic, and S’mores.
Read moreThefiveSouthDakotaRegionalTeachersof theyearcametogether in Pierre on Thursday, July 28th. They were able to participate in a meet and greet to get to know more about each other and were given tips on how to deal with media and interviews. Next, they met with the current SD Teacher of the Year, Stephanie Ballard, who teaches at George S. Mickelson Middle School in Brookings. She gave a presentation that detailed what the responsibilities of the SD Teacher of the Year would entail. This includes deciding on a platform to use for about a dozen various speaking engagements, visiting pre-service teachers at 5 SD regent schools, representing SD for National Teacher of the Year, a couple trips to Washington DC, and being an advocate for education with help from the SD Department of Education.
Read moreThe 37th Mudder Cousin’s Day was held at the Ramada Inn in Sioux Falls on July 29th and 30th. Hostesses were Janice Smidt and Stacy Quam. An evening potluck meal was enjoyed followed by a bridal shower honoring Jaclyn Rothschadlandababyshowerhonoring Leah Quam. Joyce Borah’s 65th birthday and her retirement after teaching preschool for 33 years were celebrated. The children andteensenjoyedswimming. Saturday the cousins ate lunch at PizzaRanchbeforeleavingfortheir respective homes.
Read moreThe LifeServe Blood Center blood drive held in Wagner on Thursday, August 4, 2022, had a fantastic turn-out! 42 donors registered and 47 units of life saving blood was donated. Thank you to everyone that came out to help boost the LOCAL blood supply! The units donated at the blood drive can help save up to 141 lives! There were several milestone donors who are listed below and a special thanks to Marlene Stone, the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Wagner Fire Department for sponsoring and hosting the blood drive.
Read moreWith the beginning of school, moms in Prayer will be starting up again. This is a Christ centered prayer ministry made up of Moms and other interested ladies desiring to pray for the students and the school. The organization was started over 30 years ago by Fern Nichols. She, along with one other lady met to pray for their children as they started school. That small beginning has grown into an International Organization that has praying groups in all 50 states and over 120 countries.
Read moreThe U.S. Senate finally passed the bill that will provide health care and disability compensation to millions of veterans sickened by environmental exposures during their time in service.
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