Wagner Rotary Club had a full house on Wednesday, November 6th. Harvest is over for the farmers, and we enjoyed seeing each other over a meal. President Weber gave a blessing for the food and fellowship. Judene Irvine was a guest of Amanda Bechen.
Read moreEd Van Gerpen shared some photos of major changes in harvest in one lifetime.From helping Dad with harvest at 8-years old. Tractor doesn't have power steering, power brakes, starter, lights, cab, radio, soft seat, 3-pt hitch, roll bar, fenders, wide front. Does have 23hp.
Read moreBerndtFarmEquipmenthas been a part of the Avon community for the last 46 years, starting in 1978. Its location for being off the beaten path, is actually quite perfect as the site sits almost on the boarder of the Tripp, Tyndall, Scotland and Avon school districts. Owner, Terry Berndt, started the business himself after attending theUniversityofSouth DakotaatSpringfieldfordiesel mechanics. After completing his education, he had planned to farm, but as the nation was in a farm crisis in the 1980s, Terry had to seek a different career path at the time. He started working for a shop in Springfield and eventually local people started bringing him their farm equipment that needed to be fixed or serviced, and a part of his current business wascreated.Hethengrew thebusinessbysellingBelarus tractors in addition to fixing farm equipment.
Read moreLarry Namminga decided to join the Springfield National Guard Unit in November of 1962. Being that he was only 17 when he enlisted, Namminga had to wait a year until he was able to attend basic training. At Namminga’s time of enlistment, there were ten of his classmates that also enlisted in the National Guard and another six from the local area, one of which was Kenny Powers.InSeptemberof1963,NammingaleftSpringfield toattendbasictrainingatFortLeonardWood,MO.While he was in the midst of his basic training, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. After the President was firstassassinated,FortLeonardWoodwasnotsurewhat the aftermath of the event would be and locked down the base. After he completed basic training, Namminga was able to come home for two weeks on leave during Christmas.HewasalsoabletostayatFortLeonardWood for his advanced individual training (AIT). Namminga was trained as a heavy equipment operator, which in Namminga’s words meant that he “drove a big truck”.
Read moreCharles Mix VFW Post (Merritt Stegmeier and Marvin Gall) and Auxiliary 3239 (Carla Pesicka) went to the Lake Andes Senior Living and presented treats to the veterans and Auxiliary members.
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