Bon Homme County 4-H horse members will be participating in the 2023 Bon Homme & Charles Mix County HorseShowatthe7-NHorseArenainSpringfieldJune28th. This is a combined county show. Registration will start at 9 a.m. with the show to start at 9:30 a.m. Please come out and support our local 4-H horse participants.
Read moreThe 2nd and 3rd graders went on a virtual field trip to the city of Prague (the capital andlargestcityintheCzechRepublic.) Wewereabletoconnect with Kory DeJong (2020 AHS Graduate)andAnnaKrepelkova (AHS Foreign Exchange Student)overFaceTimeasthey liveinthecity.KoryisaStudent atPragueUniversity.Annaand Kory took us on a walking tour of the city. We were able to see the cobble stone roads and the beautiful architecture. They showed us around a popular square that houses the open air markets especially during Easter and Christmas. We got a close up look at the famous Orloj clock and caught site of spiresfromseveralcathedrals. Anna and Kory showed us the public transportation such as the tram and metro system. They showed us the currency theyuse,theCzechCrown,and boughtaTrdelnikor“chimney cake” from a vendor so we could get a close up look at it. It looked delicious. We learned that students in Czech schools usedtoberequiredtolearnthe RussianlanguagewhentheSoviets wereincharge.Now,they are required to learn English at school instead. Anna told us thatPragueactuallyusedtobe kingdom ruled by Charles IV and many of the architecture andstatuesstillrepresenthim. We learned about a tradition to get rid of the cold weather that takes place on April 30th. On that evening Czech people use papers and other items to buildsomethingthatresembles a witch and burn it in a bonfire to encourage warmer weather to arrive. The pair answered many of our questions, and even zoomed in to the many Porsches and BMW’s that the students were fascinated with. While we were talking with Anna and Kory during the middle of our day, the sun started to set for them. It was a beautiful site with the sun setting behind the skyline of the city. Thank you Anna and Kory for spending your time teaching us about your city!
Read moreMrs.KnodelreadstheLaura Ingalls Wilder series to her classroom each year to inspire curiosity and foster learning about the American pioneer experience. Five of the nine books in the series take place so close to home, in DeSmet, SD. Mrs. Knodel recently invited 3rd and 4th graders to join her in DeSmet to immerse themselves in all things Laura IngallsWilderbypayingavisit to the Laura Ingalls Wilder HistoricHomesandtheIngalls Homestead. There ended up being 18 people in the group.
Read moreJune 7th was the hottest day the Rotary Club has met for a meeting so far this year. Rain is desperately needed! President Rachel Woods welcomed the Rotarians for the start of the meeting and read a prayer of thankfulness for the food and company and asked if we could be blessed with some rain; to which all answered amen.
Read moreMeet Bree Kotab the new owner of B-Lou’s Bar in Dante. New ownership was established June 1, 2023 of the bar formerly known as Gordo's.
Read moreThe Charles Mix County Farm Service Agency is accepting applications for the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) to address damages caused by severe winter storms that occurred in 2023. ECP Signup will begin June 12th, 2023, and end on July 12, 2023.
Read moreThis Memorial Day, family and friends of area deceased veterans continued the tradition of gathering together to salute our fallen heroes at the annual Memorial Day program, which was held at the National Guard Armory on Monday, May 29, 2023.
Read moreEveryone enjoyed watching the blindfolded paddlers in the canoe being led by teammates guidance tto cross Wagner Lake
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